Caricaqule Capsule is a herbal medicine to be helpful in boosting platelet count in Dengue, IDP or patient with low or weak immunity.It is also helpful in decreasing nose bleeding episodes , pin-pick haemorrhage ( PURPURA),or bruises (ECCHYMOSES)
Helpful in increasing LOW PLATELET COUNT,IDP(Idiopathic thrombocytopenia),Low pletelet count in Dengue,Weak immune system
Usage and benefits
Increases low blood platelets count
Helpful in Dengue fever treatment
Decreases bleeding from nose
Cures Bruises
Low immunity and Auto-immune Diseases
Major ingredients
Carica Papaya leaf extracts
Giloy ext
Brahmi ext
Punarnava ext
Yasad Bhasma
Sadabahar ext
Pomegranate ext
Processed in Goat milk and Beet root juice
How to use this products
1-2 Caps 2-3 times a day or directed by Healthcare proffesional